During my studies, I created an illustrated book for the wrongfully imprisoned called "The Face of InJustice".
This is one of my case studies from the book, 18 year old, Huujilt. He was wrongfully convicted of murder in China and was sharply killed by firing squad before anyone knew he was actually innocent.
In order to creatively exhibit this man's story, I made a portrait that is made up of thousands of bullets.
Starting with the image of Huujilt, I decided to draw his image in order to have a higher resolution image to work from in 3D.

I then made a 3d model of the bullets that were supposedly used in the Chinese Military during the time of his brutal killing. First taking the image as a reference to make a spine of the shape to then take into C4D and make a 3D bullet from.

Once the bullet was created, I then needed to map the objects onto the image of my drawing in C4D. After this I played with animations and compositions that would capture the emotion of this piece for my book.

Produced with Maxon Cinema 4D Software.